Ordering Prescriptions at the front desk.
Due to increased demands on our service we can no longer accept requests for medication over the front desk.
Why are we changing our procedure?
We conducted an audit of prescriptions requested and processed. The results were as follows:
One week Period - 1633 prescriptions were requested - 4743 items
One month Period - 4321 prescriptions were requested - 18986 items
Processing this large quantity of items is having a significant impact on our telephone system and now on our Receptionist staff who are dealing with a number of tasks at the front desk. To ensure requests are processed safely we need to implement the following changes as soon as possible.
How has the system changed?
To ensure we process your request safely, please complete a Prescription Request Form and place it in the red post box situated in the waiting area.
This box outlines when our prescription will be ready for collection from the practice or by your nominated Pharmacy. Please speak to your nominated pharmacy regarding how long it takes from pickup at the practice to delivery at your local chemist.
Please click below to print our a prescription order form.
Prescription Request Form (this link will open in a new window - popups must be allowed)
We would ask that your adhere to the timeframe for collection of your medication to ensure we have sufficient time to process request safely.
Thank you for your help and co operation