Building Work at Old School Surgery
Old School Surgery recently received approval from the Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG) to commence building and extension to the existing premises.
The purpose of this building is to enhance the services available at the practice once funding becomes available from the Department of Health. These services may include physiotherapy, Social Worker and Mental Health Worker with administrative support.
Building work is expected to be completed by December 2024.
We appreciate there may be some disruption during the process to the surrounding carpark and noise within the premises and thank you for your understanding and support during this process.
Many thanks
The Partners at Old School Surgery
Vaccination Update
Information in respect of Shingles and MMR are located in Vaccination update on the right hand side.

From 1/4/22 the Practice Boundary changed to encompass the following area:
Station Road Greenisland, left along Shore Road, Marine Highway Carrickfergus, turn left at Taylors Avenue connecting to Prince Andrew Way to North Road, left onto Middle Road, right to Lower Woodburn Road, left Lisglass Road to Irish Hill Road, left on Carntall Road, left at Doagh Road, right at Doagh Road, left to Station Road in Whiteabbey, left onto Shore Road returning to Greenisland
To view a mapped area please click on the link below:
Map of Area
Patients who currently reside outside the Practice Area will remain on the Practice list while they remain at their current address. Should they move to another address outside the practice area they will be advised to register with a GP in their locality and removed from the practice list.
Patients registered outside the Practice Area who extend their family i.e. new birth, adoption or fostering may register with the Practice.
Many thanks
Practice Update - September 2021
Please click on the link below for the latest update from the Surgery. This information includes and audit on patient contacts and workload provided by the practice for a 12 month period as well as information on services available at the practice.
Practice Telephone System - From: Friday 23 April 2021
We have now moved to a new telephone system. When you contact the surgery you will be provided with a number of options,
If you have a critical emergency you should dial 999 and not wait to be connected to a member of staff.
Press 1 - Repeat Prescriptions - you will be connected with a member of the administration team between the hours of 11.00am to 12.30pm & 2.30pm to 4.00pm. Outside these times until 5.30pm you can leave your name, date of birth, address and name and strength of medication you require.
Press 2 - to book a telephone consultation with the GP. Please note these consultations are limited & once they have been allocated each day you will be asked to ring the following day. The administration staff will ask questions on behalf of the doctor to ensure you are directed to the appropriate healthcare professional i.e. queries regarding medication will be directed to one of our Practice Based Pharmacists.
Press 3 - General Enquires.
Please note: if you leave a message on our repeat prescription line for issues not related to a medication order your request will not be processed.
We would like to thank everyone for your patience and kindness shown to our staff. Unfortunately, a minority feel it is appropriate to verbally abuse our staff and this cannot be tolerated. Such behaviour may result in your removal from the practice list.
(Site updated 11/03/2025)